01 septiembre 2007

Firefox Quickstarter 0.1.2

Nueva versión que aporta lo siguiente:
- Corregido problema con el autoinicio.
- Añadido el icono de Firefox. A partir de ahora se usará el proporcionado por firefoxqs en vez del icono existente en el sistema.
- Añadida traducción al castellano.

Para las descargas visitar la web oficial: http://mozillaqs.sourceforge.net/

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Sorry this is in English. Read a comment on another site that Firefox Quickstarter doesn't work and, after rebooting his computer, had damaged the commenter's Firefox configuration. Well, I installed Firefox Quickstarter, saved the session manually (I always do this - I'm a control freak) and rebooted. I have to say that Firefox Quickstarter works brilliantly and does everything I want from it. Many thanks, Raul.

Raúl Moratalla dijo...

Hi Roger, thanks for your comments. I know that exists a bug that doesn't show Firefox, but this shouldn't damage Firefox's configuration.

If any user has any problem or has detected a bug, I will be glad to know about it, and the right way should be to contact with me via e-mail. Buf if he post about it at another site, I'm not able to help him with it and discover the problem.